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Hava's Kitchen Donates to Preschool

HK_F_medHava’s Kitchen was launched last April in Santa Monica, and has an enthusiastic and growing following among Westside families. They provide the best of Italian, French and Mediterranean home cuisine prepared with care and delivered fresh to your doorstep. Make your selection online from Hava’s Kitchen’s weekly menu, select the items you want and the quantities you want, and mix and match to suit your needs.  They use local, seasonal and organic ingredients, free range chicken and grass fed beef.

Hava’s Kitchen will be donating to the YWCA Family Cooperative Preschool 5% of all proceeds on initial 2-week subscriptions and 2% of proceeds from ongoing subscriptions from YWCA Family Cooperative Preschool families and friends.

See their website at www.havaskitchen.com. Try them for 2 weeks for as little as $70 per week using the code HKINTRO at checkout. And when you sign up, please also send an e-mail to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it letting them know you were referred by the YWCA so that we can receive a donation.

Questions?  Please call or e-mail Hava directly at 310-503-4436 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Note: The HKINTRO code is active for any two week subscription at 24 points or above.

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