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We are happy to announce that another one of our young women has successfully left the nest and is off to Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia.  After entering our program a year and a half ago, she reached her goal of completing her AA degree and transferring to a four year college.  We recently spoke with her about her new college experience and this is what she had to say:


Q:  How are you adjusting to college life?

A:  I kind of feel like I'm still back home, because I have the same studious habits.  I have developed a certain discipline for myself that keeps me focused and balanced.  I have fallen in love with the Spelman atmosphere.  The air is full of success, you just feel it.  They don't allow you to fail out here. Everyone hustles to the max because there is so much to be expected of you as a "Spelmanite."


Q:  What has been the best part of college so far?

A:  The best part of college for me so far is the lectures.  I feel like I'm growing every minute I am in a classroom.  I'm being tested constantly and I love every minute of it.  It's making me stronger as a person.  I understand myself, my capabilities, my strengths, and my weaknesses.  It's like they are molding me into the woman that I aspire to be.


Q:  What is your major?

A:  My major is Human Services/ Pre-Med.  Recently I applied for the pre-med health careers program at Spelman, and I was shocked when I was accepted into the program.  I am so happy because, although I have other aspirations in life that I hope to accomplish that are far from the goal of being a doctor, I have always wanted to be a doctor.  Since I was a little girl that has been a dream of mine that I thought couldn't happen.  However, Spelman is opening doors for me that I couldn't see at one point in my life.


Q:  What class do you enjoy the most?

A:  I'm sorry; I can't decide.  I love three of my classes!  My Management class, Spanish class, and my ADW (African Diaspora and the World) class.  These classes inspire me to do great things and to expand my mind because I have the potential to expand beyond my wildest dreams.  I always thought that I wasn't good at retaining information, but these classes are showing me that I have the capability to not only retain this information but understand the information that I am receiving.The management class is teaching me to be an employer and not an employee. It's teaching me to keep focus on my goals in life. The Spanish class is teaching me to not limit myself.  I am learning to create a bond and connection with others in many places of the world.  So I am learning to be more diverse and it's inspiring me to learn other languages as well. Lastly, the ADW class is teaching me to understand my history and who I am as an African American Woman.  The first statement made in class by my instructor was:  "Know who you are before they tell you."  Those powerful words have had me thinking from the very first day of class.


Q:  Have you made any new friends?

A:  Yes!  I have made a ton of friends, but unfortunately they all have boyfriends and stuff so we don't hang out as much as I would like.  However, the guys are the business!  Well, at least the ones that I have met so far.  They are extremely nice and help me out a lot when I need them.


Q:  Have you joined any clubs?

A:  I have joined some clubs already!  I'm in the Health Careers club, the AWRT club (American Women in Radio and Television) and I'm an on call SSGA (Social Student Government Association) member for the junior class.


Q:  How is the weather?

A:  The weather sucks!  It's hot and then sometimes it rains and it's still hot.  I really don't like it, because it's unpredictable.  However, the good part is that it is always warm.


Q:  What has been the best food or meal you've had so far?

A:  I haven't fallen in love with the food yet.  Food is food for me right now.  The Cafeteria is okay.  I really like their soul food days because I love soul food!


Q:  When will you be back for a visit?

A:  My plan for visitation is Christmas. I want to fly out as soon as finals are over.


Although we are extremely proud of her bold move to another state and obvious passion for her studies, we look forward to her return at Christmas!




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