YWCA   Santa Monica / Westside  |  Closed June 2016
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Honor a Special Woman for Mothers Day

CollageHonor a very special woman that has made a difference in your life by donating to the YWCA Santa Monica / Westside this Mother's Day. When you contribute a gift of $25 or more, we will send this special woman a card letting her know that you have honored her legacy by helping us build a community of strong and healthy women and girls.


The deadline for delivery by Mother’s Day three days prior to. For gifts after this time, a card will still be sent but the delivery date cannot be guaranteed. To make a donation, click HERE.


In the "Note" section, please write the message that you would like included in the card. If you have any questions, please contact Julia Miele, Executive Director, at (310) 452-3881, x111 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Celebrate this Mother's Day by extending the connection with your mother to our thriving community of women and girls.

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